X-Cell Pacific is a Hawai‘i-based fuel research and design company dedicated to developing America's future fuel technology, today.

Vision Statement

We believe in a providing a world in which our families are more capable, knowledgeable, and secure through our fuel technology.

Mission Statement

Here at X-Cell Pacific, also known as [XP]™, we have three cornerstones in all of our technology development:

  • SAFE- Our products are safe to use and will keep consumers safe from dangers they face in life.
  • SUSTAINABLE- Our products are optimized to provide the best possible fuel efficiency, eco-impact, and cost.
  • SUPERIOR- Our products provide the best possible fuel performance, flexibility, and form for purpose.

[XP]™ staff tries to instill the best value for the consumer dollar.

Fuel Problem (Fossil Fuels)  

In Hawaii this year, the price of our food, gasoline, and electricity have increased more than 10%. This is because these products are produced from a scarcity of fossil fuels (food fertilizer, oil petroleum, and fuel oil). Therefore, our state is in an energy crisis because there are no local fuel sources. Do you want to see higher costs or see a solution to this fuel crisis?

Hawaii Inflation From Fossil Fuel:

  • Food prices        +10%
  • Gasoline costs   +20%
  • Electric rates      +20%

SOURCES: KGMB / KHNL, KHON2, Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Fuel Options (Alternative Fuels)  

Hawaii has an abundance of renewable energy, with great wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric “potential." Furthermore, this energy can be extracted to produce alternative fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol. Therefore, a renewable fuel production facility could potentially reduce our cost of food, transportation, and electricity

Renewables for Green Fuel:

  • Solar Power        10MW
  • Hydroelectric      20MW
  • Geothermal        50MW

SOURCES: Toyama, NH3 Fuel Conference: Portland (2011).

Fuel Solution (Production Fuel)  

Due to the fossil fuel impact in Hawaii, our Company is investigating the most marketable alternative fuel that can be produced using renewable power. Please let us know if you would like to assist our endeavor on the project either as a collaborator or supporter.